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Open source plug-in creates sparklines for Excel


"Open source plug-it" creates Excel sparklines
runterload.de Editor: TinyGraphs an open source Excel add-it creates sparklines, small columns of data from one line graphs, and area charts. This is as small as a cell and can be placed next to the items described them as small graphic in the beautiful colors. Small graphics or text in the environment as tall as sparklines and stock prices and exchange rates, such as data, are useful for displaying large amounts.

Each plug inline graphics TinyGraphs creates a rectangular block of cells, rows of data. Currently three types of charts - Lines, Area and Column - marks the settings and colors for each chart type supports with additional options for customization. Such as graphics chips are created by small Excel chart only if there are more variations, more for them, soft shadows, 3D and glow effects can be reformatted.
You can now download free TinyGraphs 1.0.

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